Among the 2023 highlights, we’d like to mention the following:
- A new training team was established in full swing with four trainers, one educational advisor, one training assistant, one training coordinator; and the RDM101 Jupyter book was published.
- The self-paced course on Personal Data and Human subjects in Research was run 7 times and 64 PhD candidates completed it.
Data Stewardship
- The Data Stewards (DS) team added 2 new faculty data stewards and a library data steward is in position to facilitate the team’s coordination.
Digital Competence Centre (DCC)
- 4 new Data Managers joined the team to further strengthen the team expertise on data management.
- The FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) program is running for the second time.
3 innovation projects are supported by TU Delft Open Science programme
- iRODS: piloting a new solution for active data management with iRODS at TU Delft, a collaboration between the Library and ICT innovation.
- Peer-review of data and software: piloting with innovative open peer review processes that consider data and software as independent research outputs, a collaboration between TU Delft OPEN Publishing and Research Data and Software team.
- Disciplinary research data and software guidelines: co-create with researchers on guidance for specific research domains or data type.
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The Digital Competence Center (DCC) remains committed to bringing external knowledge to the university, sharing our own knowledge with affiliated and external researchers through open science and ICT-facilities. To this extent, new collaborations with Thematic Digital Competence Centres (TDCC’s) have been established and ongoing partnership with the Open Science Community Twente (OSCT) enhanced through a new series of thematic sessions revolving around the importance of FAIR principles and Open Science.
In 2023, the DCC team expanded with three new data stewards and a team manager. With a dynamic team, in continuous growth and development, the DCC will continue to advocate for proper research software and data management while supporting researchers and students with digitalisation of science.
Data stewards had a main role in the formulation of (new) data policies in faculties, the development of anonymisation guidelines and defining a workflow for the digital archiving of paper informed consent.
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The data steward team of TU/e has written an RDM Policy framework that is now in revision. This policy will help clarify the importance of RDM and open science when managing research data. The TU/e has also developed an open science agenda leading to a dedicated open since event that will be organised in late 2024.
Finally, TU/e is working on improving and streamlining the processes for researchers - the teams are building the “Research Cockpit”, where researchers will have a one-stop-shop for any questions related to RDM, privacy, and ethics.
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In 2023, the RDM support team published their Research Data Management course materials on Zenodo. The materials cover some basic principles of RDM and should be viewed as an introductory course into RDM. The course materials can be found here. Also published is the new Software Management Plan template, a first step in developing integrated Software Management Support at WUR.
A highlight in the event calendar was the Wageningen Model and Data Day in November 2023. This event brought workshops, carpentries, discussions and demos to the data, software and modelling community at WUR. With more than 170 visitors, it was an inspiring day characterised by enthusiastic participation from both researchers and research supporters.
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